Monday, 17 October 2011

1Student 1Sport: Ministry to appoint state facilitators to train teachers

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 08:42:00
V. Muraleedharan
MURALEEDHARAN: Policy is not a one-off thing
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s best sports teachers will be appointed facilitators to train fellow teachers in sports as part of the Education Ministry's effort to enhance its newly-launched 1Student 1Sport (1M1S) policy.
The plan, expected to be executed this year, seeks to address the shortage of specialised sports teachers in schools before implementing its policy of having every student take part in at least one sport.
Each sport will have at least four facilitators at state level who will help train the teachers, said assistant director of the Education Ministry's sports division V. Muraleedharan.
“There are some teachers who are well-versed in certain sports. We will gather the best of the lot, four to five for each sport in every state, and appoint them as facilitators.
“Many tasked to teach sports don’t have the basic knowledge. To ensure the 1M1S policy is a success, it is important they are able to teach the students.”
Handbooks with training modules for teachers are being produced by the ministry and are expected to be ready for distribution by next month. Training institutes are also being planned and will be established next year or the year after.
“We want to make the 1M1S policy a long-term programme. It’s not going to be a one-off thing,” said Muraleedharan.
The 1M1S policy was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin last year and implemented at all schools this year.
The aim is to produce students who excel both academically and in co-curricular activities and, at the same time, promote a healthy lifestyle.
Schools have been instructed to organise sports activities all-year round.
“We have also instructed schools to hold their annual sports day from June onwards from now on. Students will not only have more time to prepare for their sports but will have constant involvement in sports throughout the year,” Muraleedharan said.
Ministry officials from the Sports Division are, in the meantime, visiting schools to monitor the progress of the 1M1S policy.
“The schools are bound to experience adjustment problems as it is the first year. So, we go down to the ground to meet principals and teachers to find out what their difficulties are.”
Among the common challenges faced by schools is the lack of facilities such as fields, courts and sports equipment.
“I’m pleased with the response from parents and teachers towards the policy so far. Some schools, although faced by challenges, are creative in tackling their shortcomings," said Muraleedharan.
"Parents-teachers associations have also been helpful and willing to lend a helping hand by donating sports equipment.
“We hope to overcome these challenges, and by next year, we should be able to go full swing. What’s important is this policy is here to stay.”

No child left behind at SMK Kepong Baru

SMK Kepong Baru
LIFE'S A BALL: Students playing basketball in the school's court
KUALA LUMPUR: "It’s like a carnival now!"
That was how SMK Kepong Baru Form One student Mohd Iskandar Hussin described sports practice at school this year, following the implementation of the 1M1S policy.
“All my classmates and students from other classes are involved in sports. There are so many teammates in my basketball group. Sports practice just became more 'happening'!” he told The Malay Mail during a recent visit to the school.
With 2,933 students, SMK Kepong Baru is one the most populated schools in the city, so its administrators added two new sport houses to the existing four.
“By adding more sport houses, more students will be involved in different events during sports day,” said school principal Leong Kun Loy. “No one gets left out.”
The school had also planned sports activities throughout the year as well as during the end-of-year school holidays.
“In February, we have the inter-house cross country competition. Our annual sports meet will be held in June and in August we will have the inter-class sports competition. At the end of October, there will be a sports competition for students who would have completed their PMR examinations,” Leong said.
“We will also organise sports camps during the school holidays in November. Even for the June sports meet, students begin training as early as March.”
Form Three and Form Five students who are sitting for public examinations will be allowed to stop sports activities by August.
“We understand exam year students need the time to focus but it is important to have a balance between academic and extra-curricular activities, which is the purpose of this policy."
Leong said some parents, however, were concerned about clashes with tuition classes.
“I tell them activities organised by schools are more important, so they need to adjust. After all, it’s only two hours once a week.”
Form Two student Loo Poh Yin told The Paper That Cares on days with sports practices, her tuition classes start at night.
“It's fun to play sports. I know how to divide my time, so I don’t think it is troublesome,” said Poh Yin, who takes up basketball.
Muhamad Tarmizi Nor, the school’s chief sports teacher, said the 1M1S policy made it easier for him to unearth hidden talents.
“Last time, only those interested in sports would take part in. Now, with everyone’s involvement, you discover talented students.”

All's well at Maxwell's

SMK Maxwell
GAME ON: Pupils playing badminton without a net... or court
KUALA LUMPUR: Without a football field, basketball or volleyball court to call their own, all boys school SMK Maxwell in Jalan Tun Ismail has nevertheless embraced the 1M1S programme.
A recent visit by The Malay Mail at the near-century old school saw how, during sports practice, students tied raffia strings across two makeshift poles as an improvised badminton net.
Some were also seen playing badminton without nets at all — but they didn’t appear to be troubled by it, judging from their smiles.
A group were seen crossing a busy road to get to a public sports court. The public volleyball, basketball and futsal court just outside the school belongs to City Hall but the school was granted permission to use the facilities.
As for football, a favourite among the boys, it is played at a field belonging to Tamil school SJK Sri Dhandayuthapani in Jalan Ipoh — an 800m walk from SMK Maxwell.
“I had to ask permission from the school headmaster, who was kind enough to allow our boys to play there,” said SMK Maxwell’s senior assistant of co-curriculum M. Silvaratnam.
“Since they are a primary school and only have morning sessions, they allowed us to use the field in the afternoon."
Silvaratnam had also negotiated with a bowling centre at nearby mall Mutiara Complex for a cheaper rate.
Silvaratnam credited the school’s Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), headed by Shafiee Ibrahim, and the Maxwell School Old Boys’ Association, for their understanding and generousity.
“We received donations from them to upgrade our sports equipment. One parent recently donated four ping pong tables,” he said.
“We also plan to hire sports coaches to help train our teachers and the PTA agreed to help pay them.
“The spirit of the students, teachers and parents is strong in this school. Whatever shortcomings we face, we find ways to overcome it.”

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Maxwell

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Maxwell merupakan sebuah Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan yang terletak di Jalan Tun Ismail maxwell Road), Kuala Lumpur.
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Maxwell (juga disebut sebagai SMK Maxwell ataupun Maxwell School) merupakan sebuah sekolah menengah lelaki yang hanya memiliki pelajar perempuan pada peringkat Tingkatan Enam dan merupakan di antara sekolah yang tertua di wilayah utara Kuala Lumpur dan juga di antara yang tertua di Malaysia. Pelajar sekolah ini dikenali sebagai Maxwellian. Sekolah Maxwell terkenal dengan pencapaian yang cemerlang dalam Akedemik dan Sukan bagi peringkat sekolah menengah. Sekolah Menengah Maxwell sejak dahulu lagi terkenal dengan kelas persediaan universitinya (Tingkatan Enam) dan merupakan di antara sekolah yang terbaik pencapaiannya dalam keputusan Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia dan merupakan sekolah yang terkenal dengan pendidikan Tingkatan Enam.

Isi kandungan

Maxwell School
160 × 150 pixel
MottoDisco Ut Serviam - I Learn That I May Serve
TypeGovernment Non-Boarding All-Boys Secondary School
AffiliationsMalaysia Ministry Of Education
HeadmasterRadiah Binti Nordin
GradesForm 1 - Form 6
LocationKuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
CampusSmall School Campus, At The Edge Of The City Centre
ColoursRoyal Green & Blue
AbbreviationMax-So-Well, Maxwell's

Sejarah Sekolah

Ditubuhkan pada 1917 di hadapan jalan bersempena nama seorang British bernama Sir William George Maxwell. pada 1 Jun 1922, Sekolah Maxwell dibuka pintunya kepada 110 pelajar oleh lima orang tenaga pengajar.Pada zaman pra-peperangannya, Baggunan sekolah ini berfungsi sebagai sekolah permulaan (Sekolah Rendah) kepada Sekolah Menengah Victoria ( Victoria Institution). Pada 1933, Sekolah ini terpaksa ditutup buat seketika tapi digunakan oleh pihak swasta untuk sekolah swasta yang beroperasi dari tahun 1934 hingga 1938. sekolah swasta tersebut dinamakan sebagai Sekolah Pertukangan (Trade School). Semasa kependudukan Jepun, Banggunan Sekolah ini telah digunakan oleh Tentera Kempeitai Jepun. Selepas perang, Banggunan sekolah digunakan sebagai Asrama untuk sebuah Kolej Teknikal baru hingga tahun 1953, selepas itu, Sekolah ini dibuka semuala sebagai sebuah sekolah menengah moden yang pertama di Malaya. Pada hari ini, Sekolah Maxwell masih lagi berdiri megah dengan banggunan asal yang telah dibina sejak dahulu lagi.

Pengetua-pengetua Sekolah Maxwell yang terdahulu

1917 - 1918 Fasa Peperangan
1919 - 1922 Fasa Penubuhan
1922 - 1925 Montague B. Brockwell
1925 - 1928 C. N. Beamish
Aug 1928 Harold Ball
1928 - 1930 Agnes R. Cooke
1930 - 1930 M. Wheatley
1930 - 1933 C. W. Bloomfield
1933 - 1938 R. Thampipillay
1939 - 1941 Ditutup
1941 - 1945 Fasa Peperangan
1946 - 1953 Ditutup
1953 - 1954 William C. Cleine
1954 - 1956 Donald Priestley
1956 - 1957 Paul Chang
1957 - 1957 Razak Khan
1957 - 1961 Ong Choon Ghee
1961 - 1961 A. E. Navarasingam
1961 - 1968 Wong Ah Fatt
1968 - 1979 P. Nadarajah
1979 - 1988 Victor Wong
1988 - 1990 Abdul Razak Mohammed
1990 - 1999 Ismail Sajad
1999 - 2001 Han Seng Kuang
2001 - 2006 Loy Liang Dee
2006 - 2006 Azmah Bt. Rajion
2006 - 2007 Datin Khairiah Abd Majid
2007 - 2010 Datin Zainab Bee Bte. Ismail
2011        Puan Radiah Binti Nordin K.M.W

Pengetua berbangsa Eropah

1922 - 1923 Annie Grenier
1923 - 1924 J. H. Dennett
1924 - 1926 Edith L. Earnshaw
1926 - 1927 D. A. Peck
1927 - 1928 Helen D. Leith
1928 - 1929 Agnes R. Cooke
1929 - 1933 Nellie F. Careless

Banggunan Sekolah

Sekolah ini mempunyai dua buah banggunan pada permulaannya,iaitu blok A dan Blok B atau blok Gymnasium yang ditukar kepada perpustakaan sekarang. Senibina kedua-dua banggunan ini bersenibinakan era Kolonial yang hampir serupa senibinanya dengan banggunan Stesyen Keretapi Malaya dan banggunan Sultan Abdul Samad yang kedua-duanya bersenibinakan gaya Moorish. Pada mulanya Sekolah Maxwell mempunyai banggunan dua tingkat biasa yang selepas itu diubahsuai kepada bangunan konkrit dengan koridor berkubah-kubah yang pada masa itu amat lazim dibina pada sekolah kolonial. Terdapat Veranda pada kedua-dua sisi banggunan(Blok A), bersiling tinggi dan mempunyai tangga besar dan lebar yang juga bersenibinakan kolonial. Sekolah Maxwell merupakan diantara sejumlah sekolah yang tidak pernah berpindah kedudukannya dan masih berdiri teguh di tapak asal sejak azalinya lagi. Walaupun Kementerian Pendidikan telahpun membina beberapa buah banggunan moden seperti kebanyakan sekolah sekarang, Bentuk huruf "H" yang dapat dilihat dari pandangan udara merupakan salah satu mercu tanda kebanggaan sekolah dan juga satu feature menarik bagi bandar Kuala Lumpur dan sekaligus mengekalkan kemegahan nama Maxwell untuk bangsa dan negara.

Blok A

Blok ini merupakan nadi utama Sekolah Maxwell, Blok ini menempatkan dewan utama, kelas tingkatan 6 dan surau pada aras bawah dan bilik guru, pejabat sekolah, dan pusat akses pada aras atas.

Blok B

Blok satu tingkat ini menempatkan koperasi SMK Maxwell berhad, bilik gerakan, dewan 7 dekad,Stor SPBT, bilik sukan dan tandas pekerja.

Blok C

Blok 4 tingkat ini menempatkan, makmal sains (Biologi, Kimia, Fizik dan Sains), bilik moral, kantin, kelas tingkatan 1,2,3,4 dan 5.

Blok D,E

Blok ini telah dirobohkan pada tahun 2009 untuk dibina bangguan 7 tingkat.

Blok F

Blok dua tingkat yang menempatkan bengkel kerja kayu, bilik pengurusan diri, perpaipan,makmal komputer(pelajar) dan bilik seni.

Lagu Sekolah

Lagu sekolah yang pertama berjudul Disco Ut Serviam, dikarang pada tahun 1954 oleh Puan A.V. Priestly, isteri kepada pengetua masa itu Tuan Donald Priestly. Lagu ini dinyanyikan bermula dari tahun 1954 hingga 1981.
Service, not wealth or fame,From this our schools’ high aim,May we ne’er swerve,New boy and senior,Prefect and monitor,Eyes on the future, for learning we serve,And when in after years, we test in large spheres,Hand, brain and nerve,And fierce machinery,Commerce and industry,Science or policy,In all, we serve,So all our whole life through,The law which here we knew,We shall preserve,Heedless of selfish gain,May we with strength maintain,This, as our life’s refrain,Learning, we serve.

Pada pertengahan tahun 1980an yang pada masa itu Tuan Victor Wong sebagai pengetua, Tuan Leonard Wong diminta untuk mengarang lagu sekolah baru. Lirik untuk lagu baru telah ditulis oleh Puan Soriah Abdullah dan Puan G.Balakrishnan, musik dikomposerkan oleh Tuan Leonard Wong sendiri.
Mara serentak, tuju kemasyhuran,Cabari dunia, capai kejayaan,Sumbangan bakti, mengharumkan Maxwell,Megah dan agung nama Maxwell.
Tetap cekal, tempuhi rintangan,Buru cita penuh jiwa raga,Kegigihan satu amalan,Ikrar kita demi tujuan mulia.
Mara serentak, tuju kemasyhuran,Cabari dunia, capai kejayaan,Sumbangan bakti, mengharumkan Maxwell,Megah dan agung nama Maxwell.

Kehidupan Pelajar Maxwell

Apa yang menjadikan Sekolah Maxwell sebagai sebuah institusi pendidikan yang unik ialah pengalaman yang diperolehi oleh pelajar dari luar bilik darjah. Maxwellian menggelar diri mereka sebangai pelajar yang bersasiah tinggi di dalam sekolah mahupun luar sekolah.Antara peraturan yang tidak dilisankan ialah setiap pelajar baru mesti menganggotai sekurang-kuarangnya satu badan beruniform, Kelab dan Persatuan dan Sukan dan Permainan. Sekolah Maxwell mempunyai pelbagai jenis Kelab, Badan Beruniform dan Sukan yang memenuhi setiap citarasa Maxwellian disamping mempunyai fasiliti sukan yang lengkap.

Semangat Persaingan Dan Persahabatan Maxwell

Seperti sekolah lama yang lain, Sekolah Maxwell mempunyai persaingan dan persahabatan yang adil. Sekolah Menengah Saint John merupakan pesaing dan sahabat tradisi Sekolah Maxwell. Persaingan dan persahabatan ini jelas ditonjolkan ketika Pelajar Maxwell mengunjungi Saint John's dan sebaliknya. Sekolah Tinggi Setapak dan Sekolah Laki- Laki Methodist Sentul juga pesaing dan sahabat tradisi sekolah Maxwell bermula pertengahan tahun 1950an.

Tradisi Sekolah Maxwell

Ianya adalah normal untuk sesebuah sekolah yang tua seperti Maxwell untuk mempunyai tradisi yang tersendiri yang masih selamat dari perubahan masa. pada masa semua tradisi-tradisi ini lenyap pada kebanyakkan sekolah kolonial lain, Sekolah Maxwell masih lagi memelihara beberapa tradisi sekolah. Tradisi pertama merupakan penyerahan lencana ketua pelajar kepada ketua pelajar yang baru pada setiap tahun. Tradisi kedua ialah kesemua uniform pengawas sekolah mesti dijahit sendiri oleh tukang jahit sekolah dan tidak boleh dibeli terus dari kedai baju.Tradisi ketiga ialah, Persatuan Bekas Pelajar Maxwell ( Maxwell School OldBoys Association)mesti menjemput ketua pelajar menghadiri jamuan makan malam untuk persatuan itu.Pada hari rabu pula, pelajar Maxwell harus berpakaian unit beruniform lengkap.

School buildings

The school originally consists of two blocks, the present day main block and the gymnasium block, which is now the library. The design and features of the two blocks is typical of the colonial era structures bearing some similarities with the Malayan Railway station and Sultan Abdul Saman buildings, both with Moorish designs. The school consists of a two – storey structure which was later extended to a block of solid masonry construction with arched openings along the corridors, typical of many of the school buildings that were built that time. There is a veranda on both sides of each storey ( main block ), high ceilings and broad stairways which depict typical colonial architecture. The Maxwell School is one of the very few schools in the nation that has not shifted and has remained in the original site from the very beginning itself. While the modern-day Ministry of Education has added many rectangular-shaped blocks to the school, the distinctive "H" shape of the main block is still one of the more interesting features of Kuala Lumpur. The structures that make up the Institution itself is a heritage of the nation.

[edit]Student life

What defines Maxwell School as a unique institution is the experience its students gain outside the classroom. Maxwellians, as the students of the school call themselves, take pride in identifying themselves as a class of versatile students, both in and out the classroom. It is an unspoken rule that all freshman students are required to join at least one uniform body, take on an active role in one of the school's 50 clubs and to participate in a least one sport. That said, Maxwell School has a variety of clubsuniformed bodies and sports that caters for all sort of interests. The student life in the Maxwell School often revolves around societies and clubs and sport teams, despite the fact that Maxwell School does not have proper sporting facilities.


As like many other older schools, the Maxwell School has a fair share of rivals. St. John's Institution, is the school's traditional archrivals. This rivalry can be best observed during visits by Maxwellians to St. John's Institution and vice versa. Setapak High School and the Methodist Boys School, Sentul can also be included in this list, stretching back to the mid 1950s.

[edit]Traditions and heritage

It is only normal for a school as old as Maxwell School to have its own heritage and traditions, ones that have stood the test of time. While many of the colonial-period traditions have slowly eroded over the years, some are still in existence and practised. The first one, is the passing of the School Captain badge from Captain to Captain each year. Two, is the sewing of the prefects uniform done by the school tailor, and not bought from a retail shop. Another one would be of the invitation by the Old Boys' Association of the school to the School Captain to attend the annual Dinner Night of the Association. Furthermore, the uniformed groups uniform is worn on every Wednesday.


Maxwell School has a proud history of achievements in sports, having won many state, national and international championships throughout the past 50 years. Maxwell School currently participates in the Sentul zone at district level and in the MSSKL (Kuala Lumpur School Sports Council) tournament at the state level. Since its founding, the Maxwell School has won countless trophies and titles in footballhockeyathleticscricketsepak takraw and badminton. Maxwell School has produced many famous Malaysian sportsmen including Zainal Abidin Hassan, E.C. Dutton (national goalkeeper) S.A. Azman (national tennis player) and many Malayan and national cricket players. Another outstanding sportsman of the 60's was Bashir Niamat Ali whose record time for the 100 yard sprint at the Selangor Combine School Athletics meet stood for many years. The heroes of Maxwell School's sports achievements are certainly the coaches, teachers and senior students who had often spare time and effort of their own for the love of the school.


There are four sport houses in Maxwell School. Every year the sports houses compete against each other on sports day. The Maxwell School Sports Day has been held since 1955. Thehouses are named after the founders of the state. The current houses are:


Maxwell School has one of the oldest prefects board in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. It was founded 1929. After the war, the Prefects Board was re-initiated and the first School Captain was S. A. Azman in 1954. He later became one of Malaya's first national tennis players.
Prefects represent the ideal Maxwellian, and the process of nomination for prefecture by teachers and senior students, training, elimination processes, a several month stint as a 'Temporary Prefect' (a probationary term), and the 'ragging' that invariably follows is a gruelling one, ensuring that only the cream of Maxwellian society is given the right to put on the Prefect's badge. Maxwellian Prefects also must abide by a strict protocol and Code of Conduct.
The motto for the Maxwell School Prefects Board is, "Dedicated Prefects Towards Discipline"

[edit]School crest

Mr. Donald Priestley undertook the liberty of designing the school crest himself in 1954. This crest has four colours – green, yellow, blue & white, with each colour having its own meaning. The colour green represents religion. The colour yellow represents royalty. The colour blue represents age whilst the colour white represents youth. On this crest, the shield shows a tiger, an opened bible, the school motto, a compass which supports the opened book and an arrow pointing down surrounded by 8 blue and white stripes. The opened book is actually the Bible Of Knowledge and the tiger is The Burning Tiger. The compass symbolized the school’s status as a modern secondary school, offering technical and vocational subjects at that period of time. The school motto – Disco Ut Serviam – is the Latin word for I Learn That I May Serve.


The alumni association of the school is the Maxwell School Old Boys' Association. It was first established in 1956, de-registered in 1983 and was registered again on 13 February 1999. To date, it is one of the most active Old Boys' Association in Kuala Lumpur. The OBA has its licenced newsletter known as 'Berita O'Max' for its quarterly issue per year.
  • Tan Sri Dato' Seri Syed Hamid Albar, Home Minister of Malaysia
  • Tan Sri Dato' Hj. Ambrin Buang, Auditor General of Malaysia and former Secretary General of the Ministry of Education
  • Zainal Abidin Hassan, former National Football Player
  • Maninderjit Singh, former National Hockey Player
  • Datuk Dell Akbar Khan, former Kuala Lumpur Chief Police Officer and National Football Player.
  • Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Mohammad Din Bin Ahmad, first Malaysian Director General of Health
  • Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Hj. Abdul Majid Ismail, second Malaysian Director General Of Health.
  • Tan Sri Yaacob Latiff, second Mayor of Kuala Lumpur
  • Senator (R) S. I. Rajah, former National President of the People's Progressive Party ( PPP ).
  • Dato' Saidin Tamby, former Speaker of State Assembly of Selangor and former Malaysian Sepak Takraw Association President
  • Lt Gen Datuk Khairuddin bin Md.Yusoff (Retired)- Former Army Field Commander Malaysian Army and former Force Commander U.N. Peace Keeping Force in Timor Leste.
  • Maj Gen Datuk Hj. Baharuddin bin Abdul Kadir (Retired) - former Chief of Personnel Staff, Malaysian Armed Forces
  • Brig Gen Dato Mohamed Arshad bin Mohamed Raji (Retired) - former Malaysian Army Contingent Commander to United Nations Transitional Authority Cambodia (UNTAC)


National Archives of Malaysia
The Burning Tiger (Annual School Magazine)
The Maxwellian (Annual School Magazine)


Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Maxwell
Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
Telefon = 340412895
Fax = 340446057
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Maxwell

Lencana SMK Maxwell
PengasasKerajaan British Malaya
AlamatBendera Malaysia Malaysia Jalan Tun Ismail, Maxwell Road Kuala Lumpur
PengelasanSekolah Menengah Kebangsaan,Sekolah KerajaanSekolah Lelaki,Pelajar Perempuan Hanya Untuk Tingkatan 6
MotoDisco Ut Serviam - (Latin)= Kami Belajar Untuk Berbakti
TingkatanTingkatan 1 - Tingkatan 6 Atas
SloganMaxwell Hebat!!!
Kod SekolahWEB0218
PengetuaPuan Radiah Binti Nordin K.M.W
Penolong Kanan AkademikPuan Norwani Abdullah
Penolong Kanan Hal Ehwal PelajarEn. Zainudin
Penolong Kanan KokurikulumEn. Silvaratnam
Penolong Kanan Pra-UniversitiEn. Roshidi
Tahun dirasmikan1912 (banggunan sekolah dibina), 1924 (Sekolah Maxwell Mula Beroperasi)
Lagu SekolahDisco Ut Serviam
Majalah SekolahThe Maxwellian, The Burning Tiger (OMAX), Sixth Form Council Newsletter
Lembaga-Lembaga SekolahLembaga Pengawas Sekolah, Lembaga Perpustakawan Sekolah, Lembaga Koperasi, Unit Bimbingan Dan Kaunselling, Majlis Tingkatan Enam,Lembaga Ketua Dan Penolong Ketua Kelas
Sekolah BerdekatanSMK St.John KL, SMK Victoria KL, SMK (L) Methodist KL, SMK Convent Sentul, SMK La Salle Sentul SMK (L) Methodist Sentul, SMK sentul Utama , SMK Bandar Baru Sentul,SMK (P) Jalan Ipoh, Sekolah Persendirian Wesley Methodist,Sekolah Persendirian Chong Hwa